Site video upload care plateste pe vizionari

ultima data am ajuns la 79 dolari si nu m-au platit inca, le-am trimis mail si au platit. ma grabesc oare eu sa le cer plata si pe viitor sa astept? la inceput primeam si eu automat cind atingeam pragul de 50 dolari.
Vorbind logic = nu este plata automata. Cand atingi 50$, administratorii primesc o notificare ca ai atins pragul de cashout si ei trebuie sa faca plata manual dupa o posibila verificare ca totul este ok.
Nu poti face plati de 50$ la mii de utilizatori automat. Nu exista asa ceva. Este in functie de ei, cand ajung la plata ta probabil.
Crysty nu stiu cat de logic este sau nu eu joi am facut 50 de dolari si vineri dimineata am primit banii .
Este sau nu automat imi dau cu presupusul deoarece asa scrie pe site insa de fiecare data cand am atins pragul de 50 de dolari a doua zi am primit banii .
Niste directoare free stie cineva unde as putea pune si eu siteul meu ?
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"Site video upload care plateste pe vizionari"
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Salutare ! Ce host mai cunoasteti in afara de videomega, si openload.
Care ofera streaming 720p , are un player html5 (jw sau js preferabil) si sa nu stearga fisierele in masa cum face openload.Peste 2k de fisiere sterse in 2 zile si acum au anuntat ca la multe abuzuri de genul aceasta baneaza si contul.Eu am trafic mare pe site , nu stiu cum e la cei cu trafic mic sau la fel de mare dar nu se mai merita cu openload-ul.
@FsOnline, unde ai citit ca iti baneaza contul daca ai multe plangeri de abuz?
La news pe site-ul lor.
Recent Downtime
2016-07-27 20:56:19
As most of you have noticed, Openload was not reachable recently for about a day.
That was because our domain got suspended by our domain registrar namecheap because of "DMCA complaints", as we were told.
Unfortunately their support was not authorized to remove the suspension because their "Legal and Abuse Department" needed to check first.
It took them almost a day to decide that Openload acts according to the DMCA law and that all of their DMCA complaints were handled within a few hours and reported files have been taken down.

On this occasion we wanted to remind all of our users that we will delete files for which we receive valid takedown requests and might ban your account on repeated infringements.

To all of the copyright holders: We are offering several methods of taking down files according to the DMCA law, which is practically a standard in the whole world.
For further information please see our Copyright Policy.
We are also offering a takedown tool to which you can get access by sending a short email to [email protected]

Nevertheless, what namecheap did was not right and also namecheap should act according to the law. But at least they were sorry about their desicion and finally enabled our domain again.
A user asked namecheap on facebook about the suspension of our domain and received this answer, which one might consider as a statement of namecheap:
"We acknowledge that our legal team was too heavy handed in this case, and we’ve taken steps internally to ensure that this won’t happen again. As long as they respond to DMCA complaints within required time frames, they should be ok going forward."
La news pe site-ul lor.
Recent Downtime
2016-07-27 20:56:19
As most of you have noticed, Openload was not reachable recently for about a day.
That was because our domain got suspended by our domain registrar namecheap because of "DMCA complaints", as we were told.
Unfortunately their support was not authorized to remove the suspension because their "Legal and Abuse Department" needed to check first.
It took them almost a day to decide that Openload acts according to the DMCA law and that all of their DMCA complaints were handled within a few hours and reported files have been taken down.

On this occasion we wanted to remind all of our users that we will delete files for which we receive valid takedown requests and might ban your account on repeated infringements.

To all of the copyright holders: We are offering several methods of taking down files according to the DMCA law, which is practically a standard in the whole world.
For further information please see our Copyright Policy.
We are also offering a takedown tool to which you can get access by sending a short email to [email protected]

Nevertheless, what namecheap did was not right and also namecheap should act according to the law. But at least they were sorry about their desicion and finally enabled our domain again.
A user asked namecheap on facebook about the suspension of our domain and received this answer, which one might consider as a statement of namecheap:
"We acknowledge that our legal team was too heavy handed in this case, and we’ve taken steps internally to ensure that this won’t happen again. As long as they respond to DMCA complaints within required time frames, they should be ok going forward."
Daca atunci cind iti sterg ei un video si tu nu il reuploadezi nu are de ce sa iti baneze contul cred.Daca iti sterg un video il reurci pe videomega sau si gata.
Parerea mea. Si mie mi-au sters multe video dar nu le-am mai urcat pe openload, am folosit videomega si
Daca atunci cind iti sterg ei un video si tu nu il reuploadezi nu are de ce sa iti baneze contul cred.Daca iti sterg un video il reurci pe videomega sau si gata.
Parerea mea. Si mie mi-au sters multe video dar nu le-am mai urcat pe openload, am folosit videomega si

Da stiu asa intentionez sa fac si usor usor o sa dispara de pe site openload.Daca aveti trafic mic pana in 20k vizitatori unici pe zi si nu e asa vizibil in google , nu ar fi probleme, bine nu prea ai face cine stie ce bani dar e ok.
Si la mine au inceput sa stearga video-uri in masa... o alta alternativa inafara de videomega sau stie careva?
Si la mine au inceput sa stearga video-uri in masa... o alta alternativa inafara de videomega sau stie careva?
RapidVideo sau

Cred ca cel mai util ar fi sa progresezi pe nisa asta iti trebuie un site cum a fost pe baza de link-uri cu multe surse.Embed nu pare sa mai functioneze asa bine ca nu poti folosi multe surse.
un site cum a fost pe baza de link-uri cu multe surse
este un script gratis ca acesta postat pe forum.
Ma poate cineva invata si pe mine cum se urca subtitrarea unui film pe openload?Am acolo folderul .subtitles dar nu stiu cum ar trebuisa procedez.Multumesc :D
bifezi video => Subs =>Add direct via upload => selectezi subtitrarea din calculator si gata
bine, mai selectezi si lb romana acolo daca ai subtitrarea in lb romana.