Gluma / farsa zilei

Three pilots are walking through the forest when they come upon a set of tracks.
The Air Force pilot says, "Those are deer tracks."
The Army pilot says, "No, those are elk tracks."
The Navy pilot says, "You're both wrong! Those are moose tracks."
The pilots were still arguing when the train hit them...
Anul trecut în rezervor intra motorină de 350 lei. Acum intră de 450 lei, știe cineva până la ce vârstă cresc rezervoarele?
După înlăturarea lui Petrică Daea de la agricultură, s-ar impune ierbicidarea ministerului de toate neamurile comediantului plecat.
Hello dear
hanging the letters on all the keyboards at the office sounds like a mischievous prank indeed! While I don't endorse or encourage such activities, I can share some light-hearted and harmless jokes or pranks that you might find amusing:
1. Adjust the display settings on a colleague's computer so that the screen appears upside down. It's sure to cause some confusion when they try to use it!
2. Take small pieces of colorful paper or confetti and sprinkle them on top of a colleague's keyboard or in their desk drawers. When they open it, they'll be greeted with a pleasant surprise.
thank you