Speed Up Your Site With Cloudflare Cache "Page rules"


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One can create some basic rules to cache website for speeding up site. If you are behind cloudflare you can see much performance difference.

Navigate to Rules --> Page rules and create below rules. Replace xyz.com with your website name. Keep the rule sin same order.

1) https://*xyz.com/wp-admin/*
Cache Level: Bypass

2) https://*xyz.com/wp-content/*
Browser Cache TTL: a year, Cache Level: Cache Everything, Edge Cache TTL: a month

3) https://*xyz.com/*
Browser Cache TTL: 4 hours, Cache Level: Cache Everything, Edge Cache TTL: 4 hours

Let me know if it helps.
Pot confirma acest lucru pentru că folosesc cam același rules pe un site.
Funcționează pentru orice platforma si nu doar Wordpress, trebuie doar adaptat codul/url in funcție de ce folosești.
Thats correct it will work for any site you just need to update right for js , css and images as possible.
active WP Rocket
La mine aceasta optiune face ca totul sa functioneze super naspa. de asta o am dezactivata peste tot.
Acum depinde si ce tip de site ai, static, dinamic, etc.
Atat timp cat functioneaza pentru tine e super.