La revedere Hitleap pe vps


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SEO Expert
Faceti minute acum cat mai puteti pe vps, pentru ca de pe 25 august hitleap a anuntat ca nu mai permite rularea programului de trafic exchange pe vps.
Acesta e mesajul primit.
As part of HitLeap's goal to always increase the quality of its service, we are enforcing stricter rules for members participating in the Traffic Exchange system.

Starting from August 25, it will no longer be possible to participate in the Traffic Exchange (by running the HitLeap Viewer) using an IP that belongs to a hosting provider, datacenter, cloud service, etc... If you are running a Traffic Exchange session with such an IP, you will currently see a warning next to the IP. Starting August 25, such sessions will be blocked.

This rule is part of an ongoing effort to increase the visibility of websites promoted through HitLeap and to increase the overall quality of the traffic.

If you have any questions about this rule, please contact us through our Support area.

Lovitura mare pentru firmele de vps care vor simti o reducere a comenzilor.
Plus conturile de hitleap se vor scumpi ca dracu.
Da astea de unde stiu ca tu ai programul pe vps?
Foarte simplu. Verifica ip de pe care trimiti trafic. Odata ce apartine unei firme de hosting, Data Center, sau cloud te blocheaza.
Asta da, totul ii doar pe profit. Da pe ei ce ii incurca acest lucru?
Asta da, totul ii doar pe profit. Da pe ei ce ii incurca acest lucru?
pai pierd bani pentru ca suni unii cu 100-500 vps care fac minute si apoi le vand. asa ca lumea nu mai cumpara de la hitleap. Plus nici sloturile nu se mai vand pentru ca userul X cumpara 10 conturi si in acest fel are si minute si 30 sloturi. Am explicat si eu in live chat cum se poate trimite trafic de pe un singur slot pe mai multe adrese url.

Mai este si problema acelor vps foarte slabe care iti consuma minutele dar nu ai vizionare.

In acest moment din 1000 minute consumate pe hitleap doar 10% sa spunem ca pot fi considerate ok.
deja a inceput :D
This IP belongs to a hosting provider or datacenter.

Starting from August 25, we will no longer allow such IPs to participate in the Traffic Exchange.

This rule will help increase the overall quality of the service.

If you have any questions about this rule, please contact us: Support.
Acum merg datacenterele de apartament :), ip normal, trafic nelimitat.
Exact cum ma asteptam.
Primul anunt a fost sa sperie userii, iar al doilea vine cu solutia. Adica va trebui sa platesti daca vrei sa rulezi mai mmult de 5 sesiuni de trafic exchange.
Totul e pentru bani si cu siguranta va fi inceputul sfarsitului la hitleap.

Anuntul aici.
Hello alexh

We received lots of feedback and many questions from our members regarding our decision to block IPs belonging to hosting providers from participating in the Traffic Exchange. Read below for further explanations and about a change we are introducing to the rule.

We are perfectly aware that the change would cause inconvenience to some of our members, so let us further explain why we made the decision in the first place. As mentioned in our previous e-mail, the aim was to improve the overall traffic quality provided by the HitLeap service. How would blocking hosting provider IPs help?

It's quite simple actually. A lot of HitLeap Viewer instances running on hosting provider machines are running in low resource conditions. This prevents the HitLeap Viewer from fully loading all websites, resulting in reduced traffic quality for all members. On the other hand, home users would not be banned as part of the new rule and home computers are usually powerful enough to properly run the application without any problems.

After listening to the feedback and opinions of our members, we realized that this decision would cause unnecessary damage to many honest members - those who run the HitLeap Viewer on reasonably powerful servers or even home users running their internet connection through an IP belonging to hosting providers (e.g. VPNs). We figured we could do better and offer a solution that worked for everyone.

Hosting provider IPs will no longer be blocked. Instead, we are introducing Session Slots. Similar to Website Slots, you need 1 Session Slot for every instance of HitLeap Viewer. Regular members get 2 Session Slots and Premium members get 5 Session Slots. This will cover the large majority of home users. If you wish to start more instances, you can always purchase more Session Slots at very reasonable prices. This, along with much stricter quality controls we will be introducing, will incentivize people to contribute quality traffic to the HitLeap network, removing the need to apply a very broad ban by simply blocking hosting provider IPs.

We believe this change to be the most flexible solution, while still allowing us to improve traffic quality going forward.

O veste buna este ca in curand va aparea si versiunea pentru linux la hitleap.
Limita e si cu nr. de hitleap-uri care ruleaza pe un singur IP? Sau inca poti folosi 32 de instante de VPS?
Poti folosi cate doresti, daca dispui de ip-uri.
Poti rula o singura sesiune pe ip, dar cei care au ip dinamic e posibil prin vmware instalat.