μTorrent instaleaza pe ascuns EpicScale BITCOIN MINER


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SEO Expert
Cei la μTorrent sau gandit sa faca un ban in plus si sa iti rupa in 10 calculatorul. Versiunea de μTorrent 3.4.2 Build 28913 instaleaza automat un program numit EpicScale care este cunoscut ca Bitcoin mining software.

Interesant este ca forumul utorrent a fost inchis imediat dupa ce s-a aflat aceasta informatie.

Deci daca aveti μTorrent instalat si calculatorul vostru merge foarte greu, CPU este tot timpul la maxim atunci sunteti infectat.
μTorrent are peste 150 milioane de useri activi in fiecare luna, daca 10% din acestia au fost infectati, va imaginati cati bani ilegali a a facut μTorrent de pe urma noastra?

Cum se dezinstaleaza?

Deschide task Manager si vezi daca exista in procese EpicScale. Daca da, atunci click pe aceasta si end proces. Mai puteti verifica in lista de programe instalate din control panel si daca exista, atunci dezinstalare.
O alta parianta este sa cauti in calculator EpicScale si stergeti orice fisier/folder care contine sau are legatura cu EpicScale.

Variante la μTorrent.
Deluge, Vuze, Bitcomment, qBittorrent - acestea sunt cateva din cele care exista pe internet.
Si cum aflam daca suntem infectati? mie chiar imi merge greu calculatorul de la un timp in coace...
Si cum aflam daca suntem infectati? mie chiar imi merge greu calculatorul de la un timp in coace...
1. am explicat mai sus
2. verifica daca rulezi acea versiune de mai sus
3. vezi in task manager daca ai programul
4. cauta programul in calculator cu functia search
5. dezinstall utorrent
eu nu il am instalat si tot imi merge greu calculatorul :mad:
Cnusi de cateva luni in urma mi-am facut un nou comp cu mai tot ce trebuie ca sa mearga fulger si am avut si eu aceleasi probleme de care amintesti si tu , dar mi-am facut un obicei ca atunci cand deschid calculatorul dimineata sa ma apuc de treaba sa dau un scan cu antivirusul prima data , apoi cu un malware si dupa ce am curatat tot de pe ziua precedenta sa ma apuc de treaba si acum chiar nu mai am problemele de care amintesti .
si eu in fiecare zi incerc sa fac curatenie, dar de fiecare data e cineva sub geamul meu si mie teama sa nu il arunt in cap :D
Am versiunea aia de μTorrent dar nu gasesc epicscale in calculator...
Dezinstaleaza μTorrent, clean cu ccleaner.
Nu conteaza daca este sau nu. Se poate ascunde undeva.....
BitTorrent apologizes for Epic Scale crypto-miner installed with μTorrent torrent client with after user outrage


BitTorrent apologizes for Epic Scale Bitcoin mining software that users say was shadily installed μTorrent torrent client, offers an uninstall guide

BitTorrent the maker of widely popular μTorrent torrent client came under severe fire from all quarters for bundling the popular with cryptocurrency mining software with the μTorrent torrent client.

BitTorrent was not only criticised on different websites but also on its own μTorrent forum with users blasting it for installing the Epic Scale cryptocurrency miner without asking users for permission or warning them about it.

Under the unrelenting barrage of criticism, BitTorrent today apologized to its μTorrent torrent client users. Writing on the μTorrent forum, a member of BitTorrent staff said that they had paused the installation of Epic Scale software with μTorrent client.

We understand the concerns that have been raised about our partner offer with Epic Scale. Amid user feedback, on Friday, mid-day we paused the offer to allow time for us to do an evaluation.

For users who already installed the Epic Scale software with μTorrent client and want to remove it conventionally, you are requested to visit the uninstall guide site here. BitTorrent also clarified that the Epic Scale software was shipped only with the Windows client and therefore Linux and Mac machines are not affected by this cryptomining software.

BitTorrent however tried to muzzle the claims that the software itself was bad and went on to give a detailed reasoning for shadow installing the Epic Scale software.

“There have been a lot of claims over the past few days, some of them fair and some pretty wild. We have always invited an open and constructive dialogue, particularly through our forums, and want that to continue.”

“As we’ve discussed in the past, partner offers are one of the ways we generate revenue. Many of you already understand that this is a common model for software companies that provide products and technology for free. Our policy is that these offers are strictly optional and we have never done a silent install; in fact, we built our installer technology to make silent installs impossible. The offers we choose and how we present them are something we strive to get right, and we think we’ve been mostly successful over the last four years.”

“That being said – from the feedback we’ve received, it is clear that we misjudged how users would react to this offer; this software is truly different from our previous offers and therefore deserves special attention. For this, we unequivocally apologize to our affected users.”

The μTorrent client were however not happy with the apology. A poster on the forum demanded the BitTorrent should permanently stop such installations while another asked BitTorrent to consider the damage it may have cost,

“I may ask that for the next set of offers that full testing be done to ensure that zero threats of malware/adware/spyware is given free reign over the client’s system. Meaning, a system set up that a normal person would use with a normal AV program. Once the package is installed, an array of mal/spy/adware cleaners are put to work to see how deep these packages go and how they are treated by the cleaners.

This situation would pale in comparision if a genuine threat was unleashed by accident.”

BitTorrent apologizes for Epic Scale crypto-miner installed with μTorrent torrent client with after user outrage

Se pare ca nu e de la adware si alte programe intalate din greseala fiindca uiti sau nu vezi sa dai uncheck atunci cand instalezi utorrent.
Vad ca au da drumu la forum acum. Pe blogul lor fac referita la cat au ajutat pana acum ca lumea sa treaca cu vederea.
Oricum e plin de reclame acum si consuma multe resurse fata de versiunile anterioare.