SSL de la Let's Encrypt


Buna ziua !
Am instalat pe un site WP un certiificat SSL de la Let's Encrypt. Site este :
Singura problema este ca am primit mesajul asta de la Google :

Message type: [WNC-606601]
Search Console
Self signed SSL/TLS certificate for

To: Webmaster of

Google has detected that the SSL/TLS certificate used on is self-signed, which means that it was issued by your server rather than by a Certificate Authority. Because only Certificate Authorities are considered trusted sources for SSL/TLS certificates, your certificate cannot be trusted by most of the browsers. In addition, a self-signed certificate means that your content is not authenticated, it can be modified, and your user’s data or browsing behavior can be intercepted by a third-party. As a result, many web browsers will block users by displaying a security warning message when your site is accessed. This is done to protect users’ browsing behavior from being intercepted by a third party, which can happen on sites that are not secure.

Recommended Action:
Get a new certificate

To correct this problem, you need to get a new, dedicated SSL/TLS certificate from a trusted Certificate Authority (CA). This certificate must match your complete site URL, or be a wildcard certificate that can be used for multiple subdomains on a domain.

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