DoNotSpy10 - Te ajuta sa deactivezi totul de la windows 10 cu doar 1 click


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Membru personal
SEO Expert
DoNotSpy10 este un program care dezactiveaza cu doar 1 click toate optiunile care permit celor de la Microsoft sa te spioneze. Aceste optiuni se poat dezactiva manual si nu e nevoie sa instalati acest program.

Nu stiu daca programul este clean, daca rezolva problemele, pentru ca nu l-am testat.


Aceasta e lista de optiuni care le dezactiveaza.
Current Features

Disable telemetry
Disable Biometrics
Disable handwriting data disclosure
Disable handwriting Error Reporting
Disable Application Telemetry
Disable Inventory Collector
Disable Steps Recorder
Disable lock screen camera settings
Deactivate and reset Cortana
Disable localization
Disable sensors
Disable Web search
Disable Windows Media DRM Internet access
Activate postponing upgrades
Disable app notifications
Disable Password button ads
Stopping and resetting the advertising ID
Disable SmartScreen filter for URLs
Disable sending write information
Disable access to language list
Disable app access to localization
Disable app access to camera
Disable app access to microphone
Disable Meet
Disable app access to user accounts info
Disable app access to calendar
Disable app access to news
Disable app access to wireless connections
Disable app access to Uncoupled devices
Disable prompts Feedback
Disabling Windows Update distribution
Disable Windows Update for other products
Disable WiFi Sense
Disable Windows Defender
Disable automatic Windows Updates
Deaktivere OneDrive
Disable Automatic Driver Updates
Il puteti descarca de aici:
Cand instalati acest program aveti grija sa debifati programele afiliate care vrea sa le instaleze.
L-am instalt eu de test acum cateva minute si dorea sa instaleze TuneUP Utility si unul cu Pasword.
Plus am ales dezactiveze toate si nu am vazut nici o miscare. Nu am stat sa verific fiecare optiune in parte. Voi da mai tarziu un restart sa vad daca a modificat ceva.