Cum fac utilizatorii sa dezactiveze AdBlock ?


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Tot am vazut la site-urile de ads ca au antiadblock code..dar eu cand stau cu adblock-ul pe site tot nu imi apare decat 1 maxim 2 reclame...
Deci ma gandeam sa va intreb daca aveti cunostinta de un plugin anti-adblock mai functional? Adica sa nu prea lase userul sa intre pe site decat daca dezactiveaza adblock..
Pierzi traffic asa, utilizatorii o sa plece de pe site.. 90% din utilizatori nu cred ca stiu sa dezactiveze adblock-ul
Daca rulezi pe wordpress sunt pluginuri care fac acest lucru.
Sau poti folosi codurile de pe site-urile de mai jos
Disable AdBlock - Widgets For Developers
Detect Adblock - Most effective way to detect ad blockers
Detect and Block Adblock in one simple line of code
Mai poti folosi un code de genul

<title>The title goes here</title>


Logo, navigation menu and other header goes here

<div id="main-content">
Everything to be hidden goes here

<script type="text/javascript" src="/advertisement.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
if (document.getElementById("testadblock") == undefined)
document.getElementById('main-content').innerHTML="<p><strong>We hid the content because you hid the ads :(</strong><br/>It seems <em>you have blocked the ads</em> on this website. We can't run this website without our sponsors. We do not put any annoying popups or popunders. Moreover, all the ads are relevant and family safe. So, please disable your Ad Blocker software and <a href=''>refresh this page</a> to see the content.</p>";
