Companiile de filme lanseaza o noua alianta anti-piraterie!


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In timpul liber cand navighez pe internet, imi place sa citesc ce se intampla peste ocean, si am dat de aceasta stire, preluata de pe ScreenRant si citata de pe site-ul organizatiei.
Some 30 movie companies have united to form the Alliance For Creativity and Entertainment (ACE), in order to fight content piracy worldwide. For as long as home video has existed, piracy of movies has been a consistent worry for Hollywood and other industries connecting to distribution and exhibition of motion pictures. Fears over pirating of VHS tapes led to the advent of FBI warnings, as well as long-running court cases, in the 1980s.
More recently, piracy has taken the form of everything from cam-produced copies of early screenings to out-and-out computer hacks (see the recent headlines about hackers threatening to release the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie early) to, more commonly, leaks of preview screeners and other digital copies of films and TV shows. Now, the entertainment industry has launched a new effort to combat online piracy.
A group of 30 companies in the entertainment industry, spanning multiple countries and aspects of content creation, have announced the formation of the Alliance For Creativity and Entertainment (ACE). The alliance is described in the press release as “a new global coalition dedicated to protecting the dynamic legal market for creative content and reducing online piracy.”
The members of ACE at launch include the parent companies of every major Hollywood studio, including NBC Universal, Paramount Pictures, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Twentieth Century Fox, The Walt Disney Company, and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Also on board are such industry heavyweights as Amazon, HBO, Netflix, Hulu, CBS Corp., AMC Networks, STX, Univision, Telemundo, MGM, Lionsgate, and Village Roadshow. Rounding out the group are such international concerns as BBC Worldwide, Bell Canada and Bell Media, Canal+ Group, Constantin Film, Foxtel, Grupo Globo, Star India, Studio Babelsberg and Televisa
How will this differ from previous anti-piracy efforts attempted by Hollywood ? For one thing, this one has the buy-in of just about every major player in the industry. For another, this one focuses on online piracy specifically, while pointing out that there are now hundreds of places to stream content legally without stealing it . Not part of the group is the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), although the release does say that ACE “will draw upon the global antipiracy resources” of MPAA.
The movie industry has never faced the type of seriously existential threat due to piracy that befell the music industry, and later the adult film industry. The reason for that is simply that movies are long, they require huge files, and not everyone knows how to download them. But content piracy remains a persistent and increasingly international problem, likely to require a huge, industry-wide effort in order to solve.

Source: Alliance For Creativity and Entertainment

Source : Screenrant

Nu am sa mai traduc deoarece probabil se intelege, dar daca cineva doreste am sa o fac!
Se pare ca particpa si studiourile de televiziune nu numai cele de filme.
Ce parere aveti de aceasta noua organizatie si pe cine va afecta in principal? Va afecta in oare site-urile din romania, sau doar cele de torrent gigant din lume?
Sincer, nu stiu cat de noua este stirea, dar eu acum am dat de ea, si mi sa parut interesanta prin simplul fapt ca aceste studiouri vor sa ia atitudine fata de vechea anti-piraterie (in vorbe/presa cel putin).
Nu cred nici eu ca vor putea da jos pirateria sau cum ai spus si tu, nu se vrea la nivel inalt acest lucru iar un punct importat este ca din aceasta organizatie nu face parte, sau nu vor sa faca parte cei de la MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America).
Acum cativa ani microsoft sponsoriza cel mai mare site anti windows unde pe langa comentariile negative gaseai toate trucurile pentru a rula o versiune windows ilegal, adica fara licenta. Crezi ca microsoft nu stie cand cineva instaleaza o versiune piratata/ilegala de windows? Au calcule bune facute ei si pirateria ajuta mult la afaceri, plus de aici primesti cele mai bune info despre produs.
La fel si pentru filme sau seriale pentru fac publicitate gratis si majoritatea la notificarilor dmca vin dupa ce filmul apare in dvd si blu ray, iar cat este la cinema nu zice nimeni nimic.

Au fost insa si seriale care au suferit de pe urma pirateriei. Vezi start gate, care avea episoade cu peste 1 milion de descarcari in mai putin de 24 ore online, dar la Tv nu se uita mai nimeni, asa ca a fost terminat.
Bineinteles ca companiile mari stiu sa se foloseasca de orice, in acest caz, pirateria.
Un exemplu in care pirateria cred ca ajuta oarecum, dupa parerea mea este in cazul celor de la Netflix, cum apare un serial nou sau un sezon nou, daca nu in prima, a doua zii este online. Dar totusi ei produc seriale si sezoane noi pe banda. De ce oare?
Dar si altul mai negativ, este si cel descris in articol, in care hackei amenintau ca va lansa ultimul film Piratii din Caraibe mai repede online. Ce s-ar fi intamplat atunci cu filmul la box office? pe langa faptul ca in America nu sta prea bine nici acum. Bineinteles ca studioul a declarat ca nu sa furat nicio copie de catre hackeri, si ca nu o pot lansa online. Probabil ca si asta este o forma de marketing din partea lor.
Probabil ca si asta este o forma de marketing din partea lor.
Pai iti iamginezi cati au cautat online filmul sa vada daca este. Apoi cate site-uri, ziare, posturi Tv au vorbit despre asta. Publicitate gratis cu efect maxim. ȘD